Thursday, October 22, 2009

What size should be an image that i want to use as a background image on a web page & how do i a

I want to design a webpage and i was wondering what size should my image be that i want to use as a background img and also what is the best resolution to set it to.

I know there is something like no-repeat attribute but i don%26#039;t know how to apply it and what program to do it with. Please do let me know.

Also i will be greatful if there is somebody out their who knows web design very welll and is willing to teach and explain things to me as at when i need it. if you are the good person do send me your email to keep in contact.

What size should be an image that i want to use as a background image on a web page %26amp; how do i apply no-repeat

Well unless you use some advanced scripting to get the image to resize then unfortunately you are going to have to pick a resolution and enter it in, there will always be someones browser it will not fully fit or go beyond the page on. I personally do all website at a resolution of 1024x768 and get no complaints as it seems to be the most common from my statistics on my sites.

Try something like:


%26lt;STYLE TYPE=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt;

BODY {background-image: url(your_background.gif);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: 200px 200px;

background-attachment: fixed;}




If you are unsure of CSS then try going to: if you get stuck.

What size should be an image that i want to use as a background image on a web page %26amp; how do i apply no-repeat

use the variable background=fixed

as for size it would depend on the width of your page and your target resolution.

Other Replys:Size can be as it suits your page. But, as for the rezolution a montior cannot displaymor than 74 pixels. So no point in keeping it over that. Else depends on the pic. If it is detailed photograph, use 74 pixel, else use less.

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