Friday, October 30, 2009

How do I put my YAHOO! answers with customizable filters on my web page?

I do not like the Badge code since many web surfers disable javascript.

I do not like the current RSS because it is not customizable. I cannot show my answers with filters, I cannot sort it by popularity.

Please regard my question as a request. Look at my sample RSS requests:

- Show all my asnwers (not my questions) that are chosen as Best Answers.

- Show all my asnwers that are in category **** and chosen as Best Answers.

- Show all my asnwers that are in category ****, chosen as Best Answers, I labelled star to them.

- Show all my questions that are in category ****, and sorted by the number of asnwers the question receives.

If you dont have an idea how to implement, I would like you to take a look at how Gmail Atom can be viewed by labels...

How do I put my YAHOO! answers with customizable filters on my web page?

Your ideas are excessive and stink of bloat. They already give us more than enough data for external use. Thus, I can%26#039;t see any relevance to actually improving this website. Perhaps later on these ideas might stick better. Now, though, I%26#039;m sure the YA Team have more pressing issues to deal with (e.g. like making sure the feeds validate for a start).

How do I put my YAHOO! answers with customizable filters on my web page?

Doesn%26#039;t seem any one can help you. Let%26#039;s go ahead and close this question out.

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