Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the code to use to keep someone from right clicking on a web page and "stealing content

ok, say for instance on my myspace page, I don%26#039;t want anyone to be able to right click and save or %26quot;steal%26quot; any pictures (background, etc)

What is the code to use for that?

What is the code to use to keep someone from right clicking on a web page and %26quot;stealing content?

There is simply a way to make it slightly harder to take content, no way to stop them from stealing it. But this would make it a little more difficult, you cant use this in myspace



function handleClick()




if(window.Event.which == 3)

alert(%26quot;Off the images%26quot;);




if(window.event.button == 2)

alert(%26quot;Off the images%26quot;);




%26lt;body onmousedown=%26quot;handleClick();%26quot;%26gt;

What is the code to use to keep someone from right clicking on a web page and %26quot;stealing content?

I think thats a javascript function which MySpace doesnt allow javascript.

Other Replys:thats javascript, myspace doesnt like that. and there are ways around that anyway

EDIT: there are ways to do it but i suck with java and html. I know there are programs that can do that. anso look around the net and you will find it

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