Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here comes a dumb do you find the video codes for a html web page?

the page is not encrypted.......size 28852

Here comes a dumb do you find the video codes for a html web page?

Click on the player when the video file is being streamed, properties and read the file extension.

Here comes a dumb do you find the video codes for a html web page?

Why is this dumb? There are so many file exts for video now adays its crazy. I hope by code you mean file extension (like .mov or .strm etc.) or if you mean codec? Either way you need to do a few things. When you get to the video if it is embedded (shows on the web page rather than you having to download it to watch it in your media player) put your mouse over it and right click it. Scroll down to properties and look at the last three or four letters of the file name. It will be something like .wmv .mov .ra .smtp etc, These ae the file codes or what format the videos are created it. These tell the computer how to play it (.mov is Quicktime, .ra is Real etc) then if you need the CODEC so that your player can play it you can go to and go under their media section and look for one there. Also if this is the case may I suggest Windows Media Player 10 (not 9, not 11) and download the K-lie codec pack. This codec pack comes with its own media player MPC (media player classic) that everyone just raves plays any extention but I found it overly complicated and hard to set up. I have tried every player out there and the simplest most efficiant one is Windows MP10 with the codec pack so it can play Real, Q and Streaming as well. Good Luck!

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