Friday, October 30, 2009

I learned a little bit of HTML and I made a small web page but I can only view it with Internet Expl

I made a small webpage and can only view it with the default browser, Internet Explorer. Why can%26#039;t I view it through my yahoo browser? I can%26#039;t view it with AOL either. I typed in the address in the address bar and it said that it couldn%26#039;t find the page or it didn%26#039;t exist or something like that. I don%26#039;t know crap about publishing webpages, but would I have to publish it on the net to view it? I just want to know what I did wrong or what I need to do.

I learned a little bit of HTML and I made a small web page but I can only view it with Internet Explorer???

you can check it on your own computer too, don%26#039;t need to upload it to a server, and access it from the net. If your page%26#039;s file-name ends with html, your computer%26#039;s browser will open it. Just find where you saved the file, and click twice on the name.

But if you want others to see it, you have to upload it on a server. There are many of these places for free, just search for free personal web hosting, or so. Before you upload it check it on your own computer and view it with Explorer - just to see if its okay.

You can try also other browsers, such as Firefox or Opera (I don%26#039;t know about Yahoo or AOL browsers, aren%26#039;t they just websites?), but if it%26#039;s okay in Explorer, it will be most likely be OK on other browsers too.

I learned a little bit of HTML and I made a small web page but I can only view it with Internet Explorer???

you have 2 pay i think 20 bucks to make it a real web page... it sucks. :(

Other Replys:You have to have someone host the page. Check out Yahoo Site Builder. I built my site there:

Other Replys:If the html file is in your computer, then only you can see it on your desktop. It is not online yet. If you want to use your other browsers, then you will have to upload it to a webserver.

Try and upload your file to it. You can have a web url called and then anyone can view it and you can type it in your other browsers again and it will work.

Other Replys:yeah man html is a protocol to put it to a web page but it doesnt alow you to put it online until your ISP has given u an amount of upload and download limits

Other Replys:Hi, There,

I see you having problem with your html pages coming up. You could not have enough memory or you need to enalble your cookies or delete some files. (temporary files). We do have a great broadband service on my website at that may speed your computer functions up a bit. Check this Out. If you have any questions just email me at


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