Thursday, October 22, 2009

I turned on my daughters computer and got the toolbar at the top but when i went to go to a web page

after i clicked the site i wanted to go to i got an error page that said runonce.msn from what i can remember can anyone tell me what this could be

I turned on my daughters computer and got the toolbar at the top but when i went to go to a web page i got an?

For the toolbar - left click and hold anywhere in the blue area. While holding the left mouse button down, move the mouse towards the toolbar will move to to the bottom. Once the toolbar is on the bottom of the screen release the left mouse button.

As for the - this come up the first time you launch IE 7 once you go through the settings pages. This is new to Internet Explorer 7. This will happen on any new account that you set up on the machine.

I turned on my daughters computer and got the toolbar at the top but when i went to go to a web page i got an?

You should have probably asked her before using it because she may have some kind of strange settings.

Other Replys:Sounds like you are trying to find a reason to be suspicious of your daughter.

She probably has AIM on her computer and it downloads tons of crap that her hard drive doesn%26#039;t need. It probably just needs to be fragg%26#039;d.

Chill out.

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