Saturday, October 24, 2009

How do I open tow or more tables from the same DB to appear on my web page using ASP?

I have three tables I would like to show information from? I can show information from 1 table right do I show the other two on the same page?

How do I open tow or more tables from the same DB to appear on my web page using ASP?

In SQL you can join than one table in a query. There are different types of joins

INNER JOIN - excludes rows from either table that don%26#039;t have a matching row in the other table.

OUTER JOIN - provides the ability to include unmatched rows in the query results

LEFT -- only unmatched rows from the left side table (table-1) are retained

RIGHT -- only unmatched rows from the right side table (table-2) are retained

FULL -- unmatched rows from both tables (table-1 and table-2) are retained


SELECT product.productNumber, ProductDetails.desc

FROM product

LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductDetails

ON product .productNumber = ProductDetails.productNumber

How do I open tow or more tables from the same DB to appear on my web page using ASP?

I think you only need to do the same as you have done to display data from table 1.. create another query and change the table name to your other tables

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