Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does anyone know that site which can help you find stolen material from your web-page?

I%26#039;ve visited once long ime ago and I don%26#039;t have the link anymore.If someone uses material from your page, that site%26#039;s engine can find it.

Does anyone know that site which can help you find stolen material from your web-page?

I really don%26#039;t think that it is possible... and even if it was then wouldn%26#039;t the theif alter it enough (at least graphically)... and get rid of the links that point an accusing finger such that it would not be so easily recognizable as stolen code?

Does anyone know that site which can help you find stolen material from your web-page?


i dont know of anything like that


you should ask in internet category

im sure someone will know there

Other Replys:I%26#039;m am Really not sure about This.More Or less I know there is a site like this but I never Knew the adress,Sorry for the lack of help Maybe your should post this In The internet part.

Other Replys:i don think a site has any programs to locate stuff like this as i never heard of any or see any

Other Replys:i think not passable....

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